What's in the works?
To those wondering what an earth I am doing right now, not publishing books and drawing things, here's what I'm up to!
To those who want to know as soon as something new is out, subscribe and I'll let you know as soon as I know!
A Dash of Belladonna BOOK 2
A Dash of Belladonna BOOK 2 ⚗️📘💖
Current Progress
Developmental Editing: 30% <HERE>
(This is where I go over and fix plots, characters, themes, and add things in the start/middle that really should’ve hinted what was going to happen at the end)
Alpha Readers:
(This is where I ask 2 Alpha readers to read this rough draft to see if anything is broken.)
Editing Round two:
(This is where I go back in, make changes from Alpha suggestions and add things like icons/symbols, fix wording and sentences. Get rid of repetition, make the work more direct.)
(This is where I ask for Beta Readers and hire a copy editor and ask for feedback. While this is happening, I will read the book one more time to make sure the flow is nice and tight.)
Incorporate changes:
(This is where I gather the feedback from Beta readers. If there are changes necessary, I make them.)
Editing Round Three:
(This is where I go through it again and make sure the new changes fit in nicely.)
Line Editing:
(This is where I ask people to look for continuity, scene-level problems, description issues etc,) While this is happening - I start my Cover designs.
Proof Reading:
(This is where I hire a professional proof reader to fix my messy mistakes!)
Tales From the Rock Pool-
Written by Phillip Mann and Illustrated by Jennifer Rackham.

This is a huge project that's been in the works from 2016. I really didn't think it would take this long when I first signed up with Phil. It's a ten short story based on the cute critters that live in our
rock pools.
It has already been published on Radio with amazing voice actors, but this is the first time it's being illustrated.
Here are some sneak peeks:
Currently the illustrations are all set - just waiting for finalization from publishing companies.
Update: 2022: I looked at the proof version… and I wasn’t happy with it. So I’m going to go back and re do most of the pages. But hahahahahahahaha I have no time left. So this may be canned - or continue once I’m done with all my current projects… Oh dear.
Written by Rory Rackham and Illustrated by his lovely wife
This... would probably be on hold due to the baby! But this one will be so dear to my heart as the writer will be none other than my husband: Rory Rackham! We have the draft, we just need to send it to the editors/proof readers. From then on, we will discuss on the style, layout, size and all that beautiful jazz, and get cracking on it!
Its a lyrical book that is about a Tui! (I can't say more than this!) Keep an eye out on my blogs section, I'll put work in progress on it!
We're hoping it'll be out late 2023
If you want me to review your book, give me an email and I'll let you know!