📚 Book Review: Into the Mist (Taine McKenna Adventures #1)- Lee Murray📚
Rating: 🌶️ Spicy Chilly poppers 🌶️
A hot, spicy chilly poppers that are addictive.
💭I expected:
A Godzilla blockbuster like story where whoever has the bigger gun wins.
🔖What's it about?
A team of military and scientists discover a monster has awakened in New Zealand.
📕What I got:
A survival story where the playing fields are even, and the military men are grounded, smart and doesn't just rely on guns to solve everything!
A monster which has more sinister goal than just mindlessly chomping on people.
💛My Personal Feelings On the Book💛
I'm not a action/thriller girl at all, so maybe that's the reason why I didn't connect to the characters at the start. However what kept me reading was the super authentic voice and atmosphere. If you've wanted to know what a kiwi bloke sounds like - this is it.
When the Monster got going - wow - it really got going!
What I loved about this story was that it wasn't just a mindless monster vs the badass military guy. It delved into the roots of the monster and Maori lore/roots that took this story to another level. It explores New Zealand history and myths and entwines it along with this chilling story.
❤️People who would love this book:❤️
People who love gore, action and has any connection to the military.
💔People who would not love this book: 💔
People who doesn't like gore/thriller.
Spin The Dawn - Elizabeth Lim
Well. I bought this book purely out of the book cover. Also it’s set in Asia right? All for diversification.
I’ve heard from other Bookstagrammers that this was apparently marketed as: “Mulan meets Project Runway” Yeah. If I read this book thinking that, I would be sorely disappointed.
I did make the mistake thinking this was going to be about a girl who navigates court intrigue, fighting corruption, court sabotage, and delve into gender roles. FOR SOME REASON I EVEN THOUGHT THERE WOULD BE A BOY WHO WANTS TO BE A MODEL AND WISHES TO BE A GIRL? WHAT.
I am super interested in ancient china/korea/japan area and how their court system worked, so I thought this would be awesome to see the ancient sewing techniques and what were their expectations.
Yeah no. This is a light hearted adventure story.
How I would sum up this book: (Spoiler)
There’s a girl who’s from a war torn family. She hides her gender to become an imperial tailor and beats the challenges to become the very best. Along the way she discovers she has magic. She fights between winning vs using her own skills to prove to others she’s the best. She also meets handsome, enigmatic, powerful dude who sees that she’s a girl right from the start.
Then she wins by using her own talent. Yay! But others were cheating? Anyway. She then is tasked to go get the sun, moon and stars to make a dress for the wedding. Cool. The smoldering enchanter comes with her. Honestly I have no idea what this dude is capable of. There’s no deep explanation of the limits or kind of magic is in this world. Oh and there’s a goddess? Who actually exists?
After series of very tough journeys pursued by their enemies, they collect all the elements I mean the sun, star and moon. They fall in love. Then in the last challenge the girl gets marked by a demon who now owns her. Enchanter volunteers to take her place. “But I love her” What dude. You met her like 3 months ago. I wasn’t super convinced with their love. They fight a lot, and a lot of the times, the girl is angry at him and doesn’t speak to him. Also the dude is like couple hundred of years old. What do you see in a 17 year old? Anyway. Then she completes the dress. The Goddess herself comes down to the world and grants a free wish! She wishes for her enchanter to be free from magic/servitude. (Interesting premise I thought) but now she’s bound to that demon again. END. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT BOOK!
People who would enjoy this book:
People who like light adventures. Out of the ordinary element magic system (You know, not the usual fire, earth, water…) People who like different fantasy setting but not too outrageous.
People who wouldn’t enjoy this book:
People who like to delve into worlds. Who wants to know about religion, magic system in depth.
My personal opinions are just that - personal opinions! Some people love this book! And this book sold a LOT! Anyway - if I was to rate this book… I would rate it as: Iced doughnut. Nothing rich or surprises in the middle. The icing is the usual sugar flavor.
Spin the Dawn - Elizabeth Lim (Chapter Breakdown)
I am back! And reviewing.
I really don’t like wall of text and I need to get back into the habit of reading. So I’m going to review chapter by chapter until I get to the end! If you want to join me and add your thoughts - join in!
Cover Thoughts
Dayum. I don’t even care. I’m going to buy this. Is this an Asian chick in the cover? Double bonus.
The Blue/white/gold/Black colour is amazing. The patterns on the fabric and the bird makes it seem super elegant - the flow, drawing the eyes from the right - follow the thread, to the title is great.
Chapter 1 Thoughts
Ooh - it’s straight to the point - easy to read and interesting world. First person POV. Chinese based?
Chapter 2 Thoughts
Ah - the whole woman are beneath men theme. I’m assuming she rises up and show these men!
Oh man that dude. I can’t believe you would bait someone with food! How dare you?! The lowest of low!
Chapter 3 Thoughts
Chapter 4 Thoughts
Okay am I the only one who thought she was gonna spill tea on all those mofo’s shawls???? And also… wow - what a powerful way to suddenly introduce magic into this girl’s life! But yes. If it wasn’t for that magic, I would’ve totally spilt tea on EVERYONES WORK
Chapter 5 Thoughts
What - I was hoping she won with sheer skills but leaning on magic? But I like that she’s conflicted about this. Who wouldn’t be like YES I WILL WIN when given the chance?
Chapter 6 Thoughts
Ah Enchanter - I guess you’re the love interest. Yup. Handsome, tall, rich, powerful, mysterious and playful? Yup I can already see their children running around their legs.
Chapter 7 Thoughts
Loving the conflict of winning vs proving to oneself/others their skills! And Glass slippers huh…
Chapter 8 Thoughts
Oooh. Perhaps I watch too much K-dramas. I was totally expecting her and Enchanter becoming best buds and spending quality dude time together only to find out later she’s a man… trope. Also - these chapters are short! And descriptions aren’t long! (At this point I can’t put the book down)
Chapter 9 Thoughts
Damn I need to know how much is what to understand. is 300 jens 300 bucks? or like 3000? Also… I keep seeing reference how Lady Sarnai and Maia has the same build. Are… they going to do a switch-a-roo at one point?
Chapter 10 Thoughts
Ohhh so he has people just falling in love with him left/right? That makes sense. Also aw. Lady Sarnai :(
Chapter 11 Thoughts ^
You. Piece. Of. S***
Chapter 12 Thoughts
Minnie Riperton’s “Loving You” plays in the background.
Chapter 13 Thoughts
Oooh court intrigue? Lord Enchanter vs Lady Sarnai! And oooh we’re seeing some depth to the war and the conflict! (Took a break from book here!)
Chapter 14 Thoughts ^
Oh wow. Her secret is out! I didn’t expect it to come out so soon! Love it. I really hoped it wouldn’t drag. Also… so wait a minute… he was gonna do these challenges… but they disappear after a day. He really had to bank on the hope that they were destroyed huh?
Chapter 15 Thoughts ^
Yay she used her own skills and it was beautiful! Sure it couldn’t beat magic but yay. The end of chapter… Oh damn. That is rough.
Chapter 16 Thoughts
So glad he came! The lashing scene was brutal :(
Chapter 17 Thoughts
Husband: Whatcha reading?
Me: A girl now has to collect the sun, the moon and the stars and make a dress out of it.
Chapter 18 Thoughts
Ooh so he went against orders for Maia? That’s sweet. Also. Yay good on Maia showing her skills and showing up Edan. Ugh that dude… he’s gonna be trouble isn’t he?
Chapter 19 Thoughts
These magical spiders are pretty cool. I wonder if magic is used widely in the city and Maia just never got to see it cos she’s a country gal? Also - loving the intrigue on Edan.
Chapter 20 Thoughts
I think I love this book because it doesn’t drag on things. She was hiding the fact she’s a girl! Edan sees through it in first few chapters. Others find out in Act 1. Edan is a hawk? By now the readers picked up the que but Maia figures out pretty quickly. It’s refreshing.
Chapter 21 Thoughts ^
Damn. That sounds extremely painful and terrible. Love how it’s portrayed. We were also spared the nitty gritty details but at times it feels like she’s like “Oh! Third degree burns? Meh.”
Chapter 22 Thoughts
Oh! The classic pretend to be a couple and have to kiss in front of people to keep up the ruse. Cliche but I live for it. And oooh here’s the turning point of their relationship huh?
Chapter 23 Thoughts
Ooh we finally get the explanation about enchanters! Not about magic though - I wanna know how they do magic! But it interesting about animals! And that sucks about the whole servitude thing :( Also - damn that was a romantic scene!
Took a break here - So far the intrigues we have: Nobu and that brother dude. Why isn’t lady Sarnai being affected by magic. Is Edan going to be okay? Where does magic even come from.
Chapter 24 Thoughts^
Oh that terrible person is back. And cool to see Maia is helping out in the fight! The tension is real due to constant reminder Edan is getting weaker… but he seemed to take care of it pretty easily. Again I feel like this book really doesn’t get right into the nitty gritty. Which is preference me thinks.
Chapter 25 Thoughts
Oh the Moon this time huh? God this girl has to suffer a lot. Climbing for an entire day, then swimming in an ice water… Then somehow having to hold breath to do all that? I dunno. I get it you don’t want to delve too deeply into her suffering but do I just feel like… she does things like some wonder woman? And then later it’s like oh, that? Psh. That’s nothing. And ah. The good old, I am cuddling you half naked to keep you warm trick. ;)
Chapter 26 Thoughts
Flowers!!! Ahhhhh this is too sweet.
Chapter 27 Thoughts
Aw they are so lovey dovey aren’t they. Okay. And am I the only one who was like wait… “sun paled into the moon, and the stars…” like is that a metaphor or did the day past and they were still entangled… … what
Chapter 28 Thoughts
Oh hey flying carpet. I think I remember reading Aladdin was a Chinese play! So perhaps that’s where they got it from?
Chapter 29 Thoughts
Oh there’s tension with how weak Edan is… and ohhh that is so sad :(
Chapter 30 Thoughts^
The fight under the beautiful background is amazing! The fight with the demon? was a bit hard to follow for me! And I was slightly annoyed by how it says “They were so close I could see the hollowness in their eyes” and everything just to me, sounded like they were just about to touch her. But then she had time to go through her pocket, get it out, rip the material, tie it to her eyes, then open… you know what I mean?
Chapter 31 Thoughts^
Oh damn. That’s unfortunate! And I honestly don’t know if I am happy about her returning or not. Am I the only one who was like “Just set up shop at that terrible place…?”
At this point - with the ending so close, I’m surprised there’s still this big question of “HOW WILL EDAN GET OUT OF THIS NOW” But… also… am I the only one who is like “oh that dress grants some wish right? Can she ask for that? Is she gonna fight the lady for the wish?” At this stage I’m still wondering about the Princess’s nation. What happened? Also how does magic even work?
Chapter 32 Thoughts
Wait what your scissors was what, and why do you pull it out when he tells you. Also what is the Monk dude like “Hey did you know there’s a legendary scissors? Oh you have a scissors like that with you? That’s cool. I won’t comment on it what so ever.”
Chapter 33 Thoughts
Wow they’re back! I’m liking this contrast between the magic emperor and non-magic emperor.
Chapter 34 Thoughts
Oooh the dress is finally made! I’m loving the blood of the stars dress most. I guess it’s because it’s unique! And wow. She just appeared? Also… I dunno. Like… someone like her is walking around the garden. People are feeling or bowing down to her. NO ONE thought to get the emperor or lady Sarnai? And… I mean. That’s a good wish girl, but what about… something like I wish me and my lover can live free living in our tailor shop? No?
Chapter 35 Thoughts
So… she gave the dress… Goddess appears. Surely someone told lady Sarnai that the dress will grant a wish? I thought that was what she was after the first time. And I love how the readers probably all now hate the emperor.
Chapter 36 Thoughts
Ohhh so that’s what she’s going to be. That sucks… … can you like go and make… another dress? You know, is this like collecting dragon balls? And Edan. Oh dear. How is he gonna go? How weak is he? Has he lost ALL magic? If that’s the case, wouldn’t the emperor know IMMEDIATELY?
Chapter 37 Thoughts
… There’s a sequel? WHAT. Okay now I see why there was this added tension in act 3. But WHAT I DIDN”T KNOW THIS WAS A BOOK ONE OF TWO. NO.
I just peaked the sequel stuff and it looks sad AF. … I’m not happy about this. It was sweet moment to get back to her family and it was cool Keton could walk and the thing about the letter paid off. I dunno. I took a break of the book from chapter 32 and came back a week later so I forgot why she was going to wipe their memories. Was it to forget her? To forget the war? How would that even work? And if Edan’s magic has effect after he’s not an enchanter… does that mean he could’ve made heaps and heaps of stuff before he lost it?
Ugh. I’ll gather my thoughts and put a final review up. How did you enjoy the book?
Cogheart - Peter Bunzl
Dayum look at this nice cover
It looks like what they say is true - book covers do get results! So many reviewers start with "The cover grabbed my interest" And alas - it's true for me!
So. I bought this book: read it quite quickly.
Let’s dissect this:
The world is interesting. Quite steam punk-like with airships, machines/robots that… are super people like cos magic. I think. It doesn’t actually explain how or why the machines the protagonist’s father makes is super real-like. But hey, the world is pretty awesome. Very western, English world.
Story: (Spoiler free)
The plot is pretty simple. Only one plot twist I saw coming, but then again, you forgive the kids cos they are kids. It didn’t really stand out to me, nothing new - follows the journey of a girl who goes to find her dad avoiding capture by dad’s enemies. Gets to the end, oh no, girl did made a mistake and escalated the whole thing.
Fox is cool. Girl is feisty, compassionate and adventurous. Boy is… uh… sad? I honestly couldn’t remember his deal. I mean… I guess it shows how numb you become after a loss. I think brave as well. Then there’s the other character who is the ‘cool guy’ of all books. I was kinda hoping they would betray the group but nope. Antagonists are scary for kids. However I didn’t like the fact that they were nearly physically crippled… like come on. People with disabilities have enough on their plates without kids thinking they are the ‘baddies’.
People who would like this book:
Children. I think I am a little bitter because I love children’s books/YA books that adults can enjoy, but this was just that - for children perhaps up to 12-14? Very standard, straight forward without too much violence or explicit language.
People who wouldn’t like this book:
People like me who expects waaaay too much from children/YA books and takes it out on the poor book. I’m sorry okay. I just had super high hopes because of the book cover and the reviews! IM SO UPSET. Honestly I was expecting a huge plot twist and more in depth details about how the economics and culture would change with people now living with basically slaves/robots. And with robots that are super realistic - how would that change how humans treat them? What? How are they made? WHY WONT YOU TELL ME BOOK. Why am I so upset about a children’s book.
Kalanon's Rising - by Darian Smith
I hope my reviews will help you get a feeling for the story without spoilers, (I’ll warn you if there are any) and make you interested in reading them.
Today we will review:
Kalanon’s Rising (the first book of three)
By Darian Smith
The story:
This book is a fantasy murder mystery, told through the eyes of a war hero who is trying to forget the war and atone by becoming a physician.
He is tasked with solving the gruesome and unnatural murder of the king’s nephew, joined by an immortal mage, an awkward priest, a naïve apprentice, a shaman (kind of?) and an ambassador of his former enemy country.
Whenever I imagine the protagonist operating on his patients after the war... I keep thinking this:
What I felt was great:
The Pacing
The plot, mystery and descriptions never feels like they dragged on. There’s always just enough to satiate your curiosity without becoming tiring. The whole story is fast paced and never loses momentum.
The World Building
The story revolves around three different countries. We only really delve into one of them, as that’s where the story is set, but you get a good picture of the three nation’s history, their relationship with one another, and their trade and economy. There aren’t pages upon pages describing the detailed nuances of their interactions, but you learn enough without being bored.
Fresh necromancy
Necromancy has always been considered ‘evil’ magic that evil people do for evil purposes (I guess unless you play Guild Wars… then you’re a farmer who just ended up being a necromancer.) Necromancers are either trying to conquer the world, or are just devoid of empathy. But Kalanon’s Rising offers an original reason for why people use necromancy and the nature of those who use such art.
They consider the magic a great responsibility, but if it was me...
Various uses for raised Kaluki: (If Jenn had this power)
That's what I'd do - just saying!
Red herrings and traps
I have to admit, there was one point where I really thought I knew who the culprit was… Darian Smith is really good at giving you hints as well as lulling you into a false sense of self-confidence! (Never go into a maze this man has built!) The mystery was far more complex than I had assumed!
Short chapters
Like many who grew up in the modern world, where we are fed stories through fast-paced medium like movies, t.v series, comics and games, I don’t have patience for walls of text. The chapters were short, most were maybe 10 pages long, and this made the story snappy, easy to read and kept the tension strong.
People who would like this book:
* People who like well-crafted worlds and mysteries that get straight to the meat of it!
* People who like fresh magic and inventive races that are more compelling than elves and dwarves.
People who may not like this book: (Though the first chapter is free, so perhaps take a chance on it anyway!)
· People who like one main character and want to stay with them, rather than moving between a diverse cast.
· People who love deep and vast world building, where everything is explained in detail. If you’re the type that wonders about how the war started, where the protagonist grew up, why the king doesn't have a partner, stuff that probably has no influence on the plot of the moment, then you might find this novel lacking.
Last points:
· The interesting point with Kalanon’s Rising is that it’s not a murder mystery where the primary goal is to bring the murderer to justice. I never felt sympathetic towards the victim. What drives the investigation and the reader is that the story is about more than just the murder and the victim; they act as a starting point for something far more sinister.
· I’m curious about where book 2 will head – will it be another murder mystery? How will it solve some of the plot points hinted at in book one?
I don’t do star system! I think it’s pointless! For Amazon and Goodreads, it’s good for the author, but here, on my own website, I don’t think it’s really something that fits in a number. But if I must, I’ll give it a score of “sponge cake”. Yes.
Want me to review your book? Email me at Jennrackham@gmail.com and I'll see if I can fit you in! (It can be a visual novel, game, comic, not just books)