It looks like what they say is true - book covers do get results! So many reviewers start with "The cover grabbed my interest" And alas - it's true for me!
So. I bought this book: read it quite quickly.
Let’s dissect this:
The world is interesting. Quite steam punk-like with airships, machines/robots that… are super people like cos magic. I think. It doesn’t actually explain how or why the machines the protagonist’s father makes is super real-like. But hey, the world is pretty awesome. Very western, English world.
Story: (Spoiler free)
The plot is pretty simple. Only one plot twist I saw coming, but then again, you forgive the kids cos they are kids. It didn’t really stand out to me, nothing new - follows the journey of a girl who goes to find her dad avoiding capture by dad’s enemies. Gets to the end, oh no, girl did made a mistake and escalated the whole thing.
Fox is cool. Girl is feisty, compassionate and adventurous. Boy is… uh… sad? I honestly couldn’t remember his deal. I mean… I guess it shows how numb you become after a loss. I think brave as well. Then there’s the other character who is the ‘cool guy’ of all books. I was kinda hoping they would betray the group but nope. Antagonists are scary for kids. However I didn’t like the fact that they were nearly physically crippled… like come on. People with disabilities have enough on their plates without kids thinking they are the ‘baddies’.
People who would like this book:
Children. I think I am a little bitter because I love children’s books/YA books that adults can enjoy, but this was just that - for children perhaps up to 12-14? Very standard, straight forward without too much violence or explicit language.
People who wouldn’t like this book:
People like me who expects waaaay too much from children/YA books and takes it out on the poor book. I’m sorry okay. I just had super high hopes because of the book cover and the reviews! IM SO UPSET. Honestly I was expecting a huge plot twist and more in depth details about how the economics and culture would change with people now living with basically slaves/robots. And with robots that are super realistic - how would that change how humans treat them? What? How are they made? WHY WONT YOU TELL ME BOOK. Why am I so upset about a children’s book.